Our company
We are cyberoxi! A company consist of young and experienced engineers who love their job and what they do.Mission
Our mission is to bringing comfort, consistency and creativity to every technology we make upon sevada think.Passion
There are many dreams revolving around us, some that seem impossible to reach and others are easily grasped. We are the team who wants to make them happen.We provide awesomness!
Knowledge-intensive Company
Knowledge enterprise, also named as knowledge company or knowledge-intensive company, or enterprise. According to D. Jemielniak, origin, and scope of this term is unclear. How this can be understood depends on how much company depends on knowledge, that in such a configuration, should be a critical asset of organization.
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Donec vestibulum justo a diam ultricies pel lentesque. Quisque mattis.
years of experience
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CyberOxi Award
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Iran Mobicode Winer13 December 2018Brandon WordPress Theme
Knowledge-intensive Company